BY LARRY NAULT, BKC President and Chief Strategist
In today's newsletter, entitiled "STRATEGIC VISITATION" we feature a prophetic word and teaching by Arleen Westerhof who writes: "The Spirit of the Lord is saying that it is time for a new visitation. This time however "new" really does mean new." Westerhof continues... "God is breaking things off of our lives and companies, even things that He gave us in the past, in order to prepare us for what’s to come. While we honour what’s been done before, in this season we cannot afford to model our lives or our businesses after what happened in the past. If we do we will miss what God is doing now. We have never been this way before."
BY LARRY, BKC President and Chief Strategist
WELCOME new members and to ALL our COMMUNITY as we continue this JOURNEY to understanding our IDENTITY and fulfilling our DESTINY. BKC is committed to walking along side of you so that you can experience the joy and excitement of seeing your life and business be a visible expression of the goodness and power of God! In our last edition, entitled "UNLOCKING YOUR PURPOSE" we shared that there are five Kingdom Keys to unlock closed doors (click here to read more). In today's newsletter, entitiled "A NEW PARADIGM" we learn when Moses was called by God from his forty years in the desert to lead the people out of Egypt, God first changed his paradigm about his shepherd’s staff which represented his work life as a shepherd. God told him He was going to perform miracles through his staff (Exod. 4:17). |
Who We AreA Christ-centered consulting firm and community of inspired leaders. AuthorsOur BKC blog offers curated material focusing on Kingdom Advancement and glorifying God in business. Larry Nault
BKC President and Chief Strategist John Garfield
BKC Director of Kingdom Advancement and Strategist Dr. Lou Angone
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June 2020