BY LARRY NAULT, BKC President and Chief Strategist
With all that is going on in our nation and in the world, can you believe that tomorrow, October 31st marks the 500th anniversary that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis on the door of the Church? That started the Protestant Reformation! Many prophetic voices have spoken about this anniversary in months past...about this being a time of another reformation...we are due! In Martin Luther's Day, sin and corruption were rampant, immorality was destroying the family, and "truth" was whatever influential people said it was. Sound familiar? Our nations are a reflection of the churches or ekklesias within them and we, not our government, are responsible for the state of our nation. We, the church, have given the enemy the legal right to create a government and a nation in which so much corruption and poverty are rampant. And it has happened on our watch!
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BY TANIA HALL, Prophetic Seer Revivalist
"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot." (Matthew 5:13) The world seems to be growing darker, but we as Spirit-filled Believers are not of this world. We are citizens of Heaven and as the world grows darker, our light shines brighter. We are called to be the salt of the earth, but what should happen if salt loses its saltiness? In these times, it is essential that the Bride does not compromise the truth of the Gospel. Jesus died for our freedom (Galatians 5:1) and His death was not in vain. When we compromise the Word of God by sympathizing with ungodliness and coming into agreement with a lie, people are held in captivity. It is the truth that sets people free (John 8:32) and who the Son sets free is truly free (John 8:36). Is the saying "Jesus is Lord" just a Christian slogan, or is there greater meaning to that phrase?
“Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is LORD, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11 Today’s newsletter features an article by Rob Board entitled DOES “JESUS IS LORD” REALLY MEAN WHAT IT SAYS? Rob writes: “In our Western culture, we do not want anyone to Lord it over us. After all, we are free and independent people. We most prefer Jesus to be our Savior because that appeals to us -- to be saved from the consequences of our sins -- it is very humanistic. What is really difficult is to say that Jesus is Lord in our lives and really mean it and live it. Not just say it as a Christian slogan.” BY ROB BOARD, Author, Speaker and Pastor
Jesus is Lord is one of the most radical realities of Christianity. It means that He is the Supreme Ruler over ALL. Is that not a radical concept? Jesus was commissioned by the Father to come to earth, destroy the works of the Devil, and restore that which was lost. Jesus OBEYED everything the Father told Him to do. When Jesus left the earth He gave His followers the same commission He had received from the Father - Go reconcile the human family to the Father, destroy the works of the Devil, and restore that which was lost. Proclaiming Jesus as Lord means we are to OBEY what He commands us to do. You are not saved to go to heaven: You are saved to bring heaven to the earth. Matthew 6:10 -- "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." The word kingdom means "the King's dominion". bkc newsletter - step into your promised land and Receive Your inheritance: Kingdom company planning10/2/2017 BY LARRY NAULT, BKC President and Chief Strategist
“After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide: “Moses My servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them-to the Israelites.” Joshua 1:1-2 Joshua was known for almost 40 years as “Joshua, servant of Moses.” God’s preparation for him required years of selfless service, training in the desert, and tests of faith. Those preparation years were booster rockets designed to move Joshua into each new stage of his development and his ultimate calling. In a similar way, God has been preparing you for something greater - Building a Kingdom Company - which will require you to take a step of faith. |
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