BY LARRY NAULT, BKC President and Chief Strategist What’s the perspective that’s needed from a Kingdom Business Leader to achieve success today? Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. (Ps. 127:1) The mind of man plans his way but the LORD directs his steps. (Pr. 16.9) If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. (Jn. 15:7-8) In addition to experiencing the presence and power of GOD we find that great leaders have a vision that’s bigger than themselves and they have the unique ability to be both humble and direct. They encourage and empower those around them, while speaking truth and confronting reality as they see it. This allows leaders to confront the brutal facts of today, yet keep an unwavering hope in the future (See Illustration Below - Strategic Foundation). A Kingdom Leader who lives out the right perspective brings inspiration, energy, collaboration and focus to those around them. Level Five Leaders (a term coined by author John Maxwell) bring about a greater good than the individual members could ever do on their own. They lead with humble confidence as well as courageous action.
With this perspective in mind, here are FIVE KEY AREAS you need to focus on to go after greatness in business today: 1) Purpose: It’s about knowing and living the “why” of your organization, being able to articulate a clear and compelling future. The currency is vision and values. 2) People: The level of health and productivity we have with our colleagues and connections. The currency is encouragement and accountability. 3) Pace: Discerning how fast (or slow) the organization needs to move to sustain long-term success, capitalize on opportunities, and preserve capital. The currency is time and energy. 4) Perception: Choosing a growth mindset, staying open to creative solutions and new ideas. The currency is insight and innovation. 5) Profit: The effective management, investment and release of an organization’s resources. The currency is dollars and cents. Realizing the potential of your organization is about evaluating where you (and your company) are at in these five areas. Then, it’s about recalibrating priorities and growing each area in order to see greater levels of health, productivity and profitability. WE CAN HELP YOU! Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of Heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. (Daniel 12:3 NASB) Ready to Take a Stand? Would you be willing to sit in a Heavenly Strategic Planning Session for your life and business? Since our inception, we’ve connected with business leaders, owners, CEO's, and entrepreneurs who share this passion for integrating our faith and business practices into Kingdom companies. Our consultative approach offers fully-customized solutions that will help you build a business that is a visible expression of the goodness and power of God. Transformation starts with a CEO and a PURPOSE. Not just any CEO. Not just any PURPOSE. BKC is designed to help leaders who are receptive to God's influence on their everyday business decisions with a process and a support group from other CEO's who have made the commitment. Let us help you: A) BECOME the Priest and King / Seer and Doer you were created to be. B) IDENTIFY what needs to change in your life / business and develop an action plan to create greater eternal value and fulfill your Kingdom Destiny. C) TOGETHER we can help others do the same! Using your UNIQUE GIFTS and the POWER GOD freely gives, our Kingdom Advancement Team has a common vision for REFORMATION: To help you build Great Companies that Glorify and Advance the Kingdom of God. Start now, with our proven Three Step REFORMATION Process and request a Complimentary Business Review. Today, we declare that you are developing an "ADVANCING ATTITUDE" and that God's favor go before you and make your way successful.
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June 2020